K3 Farms

The Christmas Surprise

Posted by in Horses

Last year Payton finally got her own horse! It was many years in the making. Dziadzia, Payton’s grandpa, used to ask her “What do you dream about when you sleep?” She would answer, “I dream about having my own horse.” So he would tell her all the time, “Sweetheart, when you’re ready, I will buy you any horse you want.” Well, unfortunately he passed away before that could happen. On August 27th 2016, Dziadzia fulfilled his promise…from heaven of course and delivered to Payton a sweet and beautiful horse named…read more

Rewind: The horse obsession

Posted by in Horses

As many of you know, our little Payton has a passion for horses. Really it’s more of an obsession but passion sounds much better. It all started when she was 5. There was a horse farm near the Chick-fil-a we would go to for lunch and we sometimes would pull over and admire the horses from the car. On one particular day, we had just finished a stint with cheerleading and in the car ride home we were talking about what to sign up for next. I was going on…read more