COVID-19 Quarantine

Posted by in Life

Well, this is straight outta a movie, right? These are strange, strange times I have to say. The world has somewhat come to a halt, businesses have closed temporarily, the kids are now attending school virtually, parents are working from home if at all, life has slowed down considerably.

How are we handling the quarantine? Well unlike so many of our family and friends who seem to be held hostage in their homes, our daily life continues to be busy. Horses still need to be fed and taken care of, stalls still need to be cleaned, the arena still needs to be dragged, horses still need to be ridden. Definitely not feeling like we’re ‘cooped up’ over here! We spend just as much time outside as we do inside! This part of our life hasn’t changed a bit and at a time like this I am so thankful that we have 5 beautiful acres to roam on and care for. Two words you never hear over here…I’m bored!

Payton is doing well with ‘distance learning’, it’s given her far more free time. She does her school work in the morning and is usually done around lunch time. This gives her a good part of the day to tend to her horses and ride. The poor ponies aren’t quite sure what to make of all this. We think they are thinking, “Hey, last month we got to relax and only had to work a few days a week, now almost everyday that little blonde ponytail comes bopping out and pulls us out of our pastures for ‘some fun’. When do we go back to our regular schedule?” Quinn loves to be worked so she takes it like a champ but Cowboy is a little more of a lazy boy and now when he sees that blonde ponytail bopping his way he moves himself to the very far end of his pasture as if to say “No way kid, not today!” hehe

Mom is loving the quarantine situation too! I am thankful that the hectic schedule we had last month has been replaced with a far more leisurely pace and the mom taxi to and from school gets a much needed break. We’re all kinda liking this slower pace. I’ve been busy working my way through our house project list. Lots of uncompleted projects still loom so I’m grinding away at those little by little. Things like finishing up all the trim inside the house. Paul cut and installed it all a while back and I was going behind him and caulking and filling nail holes. Well, as you can imagine that task get old REAL fast so I took a long break from it. Now, I’m tired of looking at it and it looming over me that this week I started up again. It still sucks but its got to get done so the faster I power through it, the faster it’ll be done. It’s just such a large task, fill the nail holes, let it dry, sand it, caulk the trim, tape the walls & floors, paint the trim! UGH! Theres so many steps and I feel like I keep going back to the same areas over and over! I will be happy when it’s done!

Paul has been moved to ‘work from home’ status as Disney has closed all parks, resorts and cruise ships. Working from home has been met with challenges. An open floor plan house is great…except when you need to escape for a conference call! Our little Bear can bark SO LOUD that it makes Paul crazy! So for now Paul has taken over the guest room and created a make shift office for himself. It’s not perfect but it works for now.

Praying this quarantine ban is lifted soon so other parts of our life can go back to normal but for now we’ll continue to enjoy this slower pace of life.

For any of our local family & friends, if you’ve got cabin fever and want out of your house please call us and stop by! We’d love to see you!

Stay safe!

Just a few COVID-19 memes for your viewing pleasure!